Taking steps to spot and guard against potential dangers in and around your home is an important part of your role as a parent. The RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) website has lots of great advice on all aspects of this: www.rospa.com/resources/hubs/keeping-kids-safe/.
Burns and Scalds
Burns and scalds have the potential to cause serious, painful and sometimes life-threatening injuries to naturally inquisitive babies and young children. It is important as a parent to take precautions.”
What can you do to keep me safer at home?
Falls and Poisoning
Falls - www.rospa.com/resources/hubs/keeping-kids-safe/falls/
Although simple trips and bumps are part of a typical childhood, more serious falls can cause more serious injuries.
What can you do to keep baby safer at home?
There are lots of items – both in and outside of your home – that could cause serious harm to your child if they were to gain access to them.
What can you do to keep baby safer at home?
Drowning and Choking
Babies can drown in as little as 5 cm of water.
What can you do to keep baby safer at home?
Babies can choke very easily, even on their milk.
What can you do to keep baby safer at home?
Be aware of high-risk foods for choking:
Asphyxiation/Suffocation and Strangulation
Babies and young children can suffocate on nappy sacks, as they love to put things in their mouths, but find it hard to take them out. There’s also a risk of something called positional asphyxiation from car seats. This can occur when a baby – without the strength to lift their heads to breathe – slouches down or forward in a car seat or infant rocker, causing their airway to close. The risk is greater for premature, small and low birth weight babies.
What can you do to keep baby safer at home?
The cords or chains on window or door blinds or curtains can pose a real risk to babies and young children. A number of children have sadly died or suffered serious injury as a result of blind cord strangulation.
What can you do to keep baby safer at home?
Be aware of other potential strangulation hazards within reach of baby around the home, such as:
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs.
Children – especially premature babies and infants – can be more susceptible to developing sepsis.
Without quick treatment, sepsis can be very serious. If you suspect that your baby has sepsis, call 999 immediately, and ask: “could it be sepsis?”.
For further information on sepsis and its symptoms, please visit:
There is also a useful, short video on sepsis and the symptoms to look out for via the NHS Choices website:
First Aid Kit / Seizures
When your precious new baby arrives, one of your biggest concerns is going to be how to keep them safe. Organisations such as Mini First Aid, Red Cross and St John Ambulance run family first aid courses, and DadPad recommends that you attend one. However, there are some key pieces of information which are worth being aware of when caring for your baby.
First Aid Kit
It’s important to have a well-stocked first aid kit in the
house, and another one in your bag or car, for when you are out and about.
Key items to include are:
• Hypo-allergenic plasters
• Individually-wrapped wipes
• Scissors
• Tweezers
• Safety pins
• Sterile dressings
• Burn gel
• Micropore tape
Febrile Seizures and Convulsions
Raised temperatures in babies and young children can sometimes cause them to suffer febrile seizures and convulsions.
Symptoms include:
• Violent muscle twitching
• Hot, flushed skin
• Twitching of the face
• Breath holding
• Loss of consciousness
If you think this is happening to your child, do the following:
• Call 999
• Protect your child with pillows and padding, so that they cannot injure themselves
• Remove their clothing
• Ensure that they have a fresh supply of air
• Check that they are breathing – if not, follow the instructions over the page
• Place your child in the recovery position, lying on their side, with their head tilted back
Having to cope with a real medical emergency – such as if your baby starts choking (choking is when the airway gets blocked and the child cannot breathe properly), or stops breathing – is something that none of us want to think about, and hopefully you won’t need to, but it’s essential to know what to do if the worst should happen.
Choking Baby
In an older child, the first step would be to see if they are capable of coughing for themselves and, if they are, to encourage them to keep doing so. However, a baby won’t be able to do this, and you’ll need to help them to dislodge the item causing difficulties.
You need to call 999 to get help and continue this process until the object is dislodged.
You can find classes that will take you through aspects of Baby First Aid in your local area to help you gain confidence with the skills you’ll need in case you have to administer first aid.
Meningitis / Burns
Meningitis can be very serious. If you suspect your baby has meningitis you must call 999 or 111 immediately, so they can get to hospital to be treated as soon as possible.
If someone has meningitis, they won’t usually show all the symptoms and signs at the same time, but these are the key things to look for:
The faster and longer the burn is cooled, the less impact the injury will have.
What to do:
• Call 999 or seek medical advice for all babies and children with burns
• Stop the burning process
• Remove any constricting clothing
• Keep the affected area under cold running water for at least 10 minutes
• Take care not to cool the whole child - keep them warm
• Cover the area in clingfilm to protect it from infection
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
If you discover that your baby is unresponsive and not breathing normally, it is important that you know what to do to give your baby the best chance of survival.
In any emergency situation, always check airways and breathing first, following the steps outlined in the coloured boxes:
To perform chest compressions place either two fingers (baby) or one hand (child) in the centre of the chest. At a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute, press the chest down by one-third of its depth. Continue with cycles of 30 compressions followed by two rescue breaths until help arrives.
For a small baby, place your mouth over the baby’s nose and mouth, and breathe into the baby for one second, two times.